Wednesday, June 30, 2010

And Now I Know...

After my two awesome adoptive parents left to celebrate their 25th anniversery, I was then in charge of watching Gramma..

Gramma wasn't hard to take care of at all but there were sometimes where I had to hold back from luaghing my head off.
I also had to sacrafice some sleep. How do you tell a late 80's early 90's old women it's bed time? I had a hard time putting the iron fist down.

But to be in the world does Deb do it!? It's been 2 1/2 days and I feel stir crazy. 5 Minutes outside was like the greatest blessing. And about civilization...there is no way in heck I could ever live by myself.

All in all, great experience to learn how to take care of another!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA! i must say Toni I really like your labels for this blog (Alzheimers, babysitting, grandparents)...could be the beginning of a new movie!
