Thursday, July 1, 2010

I Gots Me a Date!

Dear viewer of Toni Allison's Blog...

I have a secret...I didn't want to ever have to reveal it to my blog but I feel it's important to know...

I am going to see Eclipse with my home girl, Nichole Slabinski.

Yes! I admit! I love the Twilight Saga...and when I say this, I mean the books! I have been very bitter since they started comming out with the movies. I was hopeful but they let me down. I have to say, the guy they chose for Edward Cullens is NOT hot! What a disapointment! IT'S ESSENTIAL TO HAVE A HOT VAMPIRE! GAHH!

BUT...I am hopeful that Eclipse will somehow make Robbert Pattinson look...manly-er.

I mean COME ON. Type Robert in google. First thing that pops up: ROBERT PATTINSON.

Lets be honest, if he never played Edward Cullens in Twilight, we'd never really think he was hot. He's only hot because Edward is suppose to be hot. know I'm going to write a pretty darn good review when I get back!

Oh and for the record...I am Team Edward...


  1. mmm i think i am team jacob only because, if he died...he still has a chance for the celestial kingdom...
